
The Options window includes parameters for managing authorization, updates, and module specific controls. The Options window can be opened by clicking on the gear button in the upper right corner of the Nectar 3 interface.

The following categories are available in the Nectar 3 Options window:


  • Show tooltips: Enables or disables the tooltip display text.
  • Send anonymous usage data: Enables sending anonymous usage data to iZotope to help improve Nectar 3.


Alt Solo Q: Sets the default bandwidth of the Alt-Solo Feature. The default is 5.02.

EQ: Alt-Solo

See the EQ chapter for more information about the Alt-Solo feature.

Pitch and Harmony

Calibration (A): sets the audio frequency reference to calibrate the Vocal Register and Scale in the Pitch Module. The default is 440 Hz.

Pitch: Reference Pitch Calibration

See the Pitch chapter for more information about Pitch Correction.


  • Download Product Portal: To stay up to date with new versions of Nectar 3, download the iZotope Product Portal application.
  • Check for Updates: Manually check for available updates. Clicking this button will open the Product Portal application and check for updates.
  • Download Update: If an update is available, a small yellow dot will appear. Clicking the Download Update button in the options window will launch the Product Portal application and display the Updates page.


This section allows you to view your current license status, manage your license, and access more information about licensing the product.

Apply Changes

To apply changes and close the Options window, click anywhere within the Nectar 3 interface and outside of the Options window.

Important: Any changes made to the Options window will be applied once the window is closed. You cannot cancel changes made, but you can reset to the factory default.


Press the Reset Button in the lower left-hand corner of the Global Options Window to reset any changes made within the Global Options window to the default setting.


The Reset button in the Options window will reset Nectar 3 plug-in window size to the factory default window size.

Nectar 3.7.0
