UPDATE: A spokesperson for the Dr. Phil Show claims that the actor left before anything happened. "Nicholas Brendon appeared on Dr. Phil today. Unfortunately, he chose to disengage before a dialogue with Dr. Phil ever began. There was no drama, he simply chose to leave and did so in a respectful manner. His family and associates remained and participated fully and productively. Dr. Phil has nothing but the highest respect for Nicholas and wishes him the best in his quest for physical/mental health and sobriety, and stands ready to assist him in any way possible. The episode was completed as scheduled. An airdate will be announced in the future."

Nicholas Brendon's sit-down on The Dr. Phil Show didn't go exactly as planned. As the actor himself revealed on Wednesday, Aug. 26, he walked out of the taping mid-interview, in part because he "felt that Dr. Phil went for the jugular" in talking about his recent troubles, which include multiple arrests, as well as a stint in rehab to treat depression and substance abuse issues.

"First and foremost, I want to acknowledge all the good Dr. Phil has done for people, famous or not," the Buffy the Vampire Slayer alum, 44, said in a statement posted to Facebook. "His production has spent millions on helping people turn their lives around. I was on the Dr. Phil Show today and walked off. I'm sure you're wondering why."

Brendon went on to address the challenges he's faced in the last year or so, writing, "My illnesses and addictions are a daily struggle for me, and I am committed to working on them for the rest of my life. A big part of that is focusing on positivity."

"I'm the first to admit I've messed up, a lot, and I've hurt people I care about and who care about me," he continued. "When I was in that seat, I felt that Dr. Phil went for the jugular, talking about some of my recent mistakes, with no build up. I felt that he wanted me to lay the darkest parts of myself on national TV right from the start, and I'm not willing to do that."

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Referencing his most famous role — as Xander on Buffy — he added, "Buffy never chased ratings, and neither should I. Rest assured I am in private treatment and we are going deep so I can live a long and happy life."

The troubled actor then vaguely alluded to other problems regarding his behavior, saying, "There are a few things I want to set straight, but per contractual obligations to Dr. Phil, I cannot at this time. Things about my recent conduct, and more importantly, my family, that I will address when I am able. I may be down, but I'm still a professional."

To his fans, he added: "For those of you who are disappointed by the events of the past week or the past year, I'm sorry. For those of you who have shared your own struggles with addiction and depression, thank you. It lifts my spirits to know we are not alone. Keep 'em coming. I'm sure I'll have ups and downs to come, but I'm hopeful for a bright future."
