Assistant Chancellor and UW-Platteville Athletic Director Dr. Kristina Navarro-Krupka unexpectedly passed away over the weekend, the institution reported on Monday morning.

The institution withheld information of Navarro-Krupka’s death for a short while, but in a statement, Chancellor Dr. Tammy K. Evetovich of UW-Platteville stated that Navarro-Krupka died unexpectedly while pregnant and that her passing left the community and university in “both shock and sadness.”

“She enthusiastically supported all of us at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, but especially our coaches, sports staff, and student-athletes. My deepest sympathies go out to her spouse Nick, her loved ones, her friends, and the countless others she touched while attending UW-Platteville. Dr. Evetovich stated in a message posted online on Monday morning that “she will be greatly missed.”

In addition to serving as UW-Platteville’s assistant chancellor and director of athletics, Navarro-Krupka coordinated the graduate program in sport administration and taught five courses there. She was in her fourth year at the institution.

She held the position of senior assistant athletic director for strategic partnerships and leadership development at Rutgers University in New Jersey before to moving to Platteville. She also held positions in the athletic departments of UW-Whitewater, UW-Madison, UNC-Chapel Hill, and the University of Oklahoma.

Before earning her degree from UW-La Crosse in 2006, Navarro-Krupka was raised in Madison. Before graduating from UW-Madison in 2012 with a doctorate in educational leadership and policy analysis, she completed her master’s degree in sport administration at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2009.
