In movies, there's a surefire way of defeating any locked door standing in your way — taking a few steps back and kicking the door down. In movies, this always works easily. The door splinters or the lock gives way immediately. In real life, though, that's not really how it happens, as evidenced by multiple video doorbell recordings out there showing criminals attempting this and failing.

In a video from Oakland, California, two men walk up and look to see if anyone's watching. One of the men then gives the door a hard kick, followed by another. He pauses briefly and kicks the door twice more, at which point the homeowner shouts at them. They quickly flee. In a similar video, two crooks linger outside of a door and leave when they notice the doorbell has a camera. Apparently this doesn't dissuade them, because they come back shortly after and this time give the door a kick. When the homeowner speaks to them through the intercom, they run off again. 

The strangest occurrence of this caught on video is a man in Sacramento, California who, completely unannounced, attempts to kick down someone's front door, then starts ranting incoherently when the owner tells him he's called the cops. The man, confused, asks "Why would you tell me that?" He then says he's planning to "smash what's in there." Police arrested the man minutes later and found him to be highly intoxicated.
