When it comes to music, lyrics often carry deep meanings that resonate with listeners on a personal level. Bo Burnham’s song “Left Brain, Right Brain” is no exception. Released in 2013 as part of his album “what.”, this clever and introspective track explores the internal struggle between logic and emotions within a person’s mind.

The song begins with a dialogue between Bo Burnham and a disembodied voice, which hints at the theme of the song. The voice identifies Burnham’s left brain and right brain as being at war with each other. This conflict is referred to as the root cause of Burnham’s emotional struggles and his difficulty in expressing his feelings to others.

The lyrics then separate into two distinct perspectives, representing the left brain and the right brain. The left brain is described as objective, logical, and analytical, while the right brain is subjective, creative, and emotional. This juxtaposition creates a divide within Burnham’s mind, leading to an internal battle between the two aspects of his personality.

The lyrics of the song touch upon various aspects of life, from personal experiences to societal expectations. Both the left and right brain express their desires and frustrations. The left brain admits to being a workaholic with a penchant for order, while the right brain confesses to being lustful and in search of love.

Throughout the song, the left brain and right brain argue about their roles and responsibilities. The left brain takes on a more authoritative and logical tone, criticizing the right brain for its emotional nature. However, the right brain defends itself, claiming that it brings life and creativity to the individual.

The song’s bridge showcases a heated exchange between the left brain and the right brain. The left brain accuses the right brain of failing to provide emotional stability, while the right brain breaks down, sobbing in response. It is in this vulnerable moment that the left brain realizes the consequences of its dominance and offers an apology.

The climax of the song occurs when the left brain proposes a solution: the left brain and right brain should work together. By combining their strengths, they can create something special. This reconciliation represents a turning point in Burnham’s internal struggle, as both sides recognize the importance of harmony and compromise.

The song concludes on a hopeful note, with the left brain and right brain agreeing to perform comedy together. This symbolic union suggests that embracing both logic and emotions can lead to personal growth and happiness.

As listeners, we can interpret “Left Brain, Right Brain” in various ways. It reflects the internal conflicts we all experience, highlighting the importance of balance and self-acceptance. Additionally, the lyrics serve as a reminder that our logical and emotional minds should coexist rather than compete with each other.

Bo Burnham’s “Left Brain, Right Brain” explores the complexities of the human psyche in a humorous yet thought-provoking manner. Its meaningful lyrics and catchy melody make it a standout track, resonating with audiences who have faced their own internal battles.

So, the next time you find yourself caught between your own left brain and right brain, give this song a listen and remember the importance of finding harmony within yourself.

Personal Experience:

I first discovered “Left Brain, Right Brain” during a particularly stressful time in my life. As someone who tends to overthink and analyze, I resonated with the internal struggle depicted in the song. It spoke to me on a deep level, reminding me of the constant tug-of-war between my logical mind and my emotional side.

Whenever I found myself feeling overwhelmed or conflicted, I would turn to this song as a source of comfort and understanding. It served as a reminder that I’m not alone in experiencing this internal battle and that finding a balance between logic and emotions is an ongoing journey.

Listening to “Left Brain, Right Brain” while going through various activities like working, playing a game, or watching a football match has provided me with a sense of introspection. It has encouraged me to reflect on how I approach situations, reminding me to consider both my logical reasoning and my underlying emotions.

Overall, “Left Brain, Right Brain” is a song that not only entertains but also provokes deep thought. It invites listeners to explore their own internal conflicts and strive for a harmonious coexistence of their left brain and right brain.


  • Lyrics sourced from Genius
  • Album information sourced from Genius
  • Producer and songwriter credits sourced from Genius
