Someone actually tried to come for Chanel West Coast's laugh. Unreal. According to In Touch, a troll on Instagram said: "Hot body, but I can hear the laugh through the picture." In response, Chanel said: "Everyone loves the laugh. Only mean and miserable people dislike it lol."

It's not just cruelty Chanel calls people out on. Our MTV gal will also notify people when they're wrong. Someone figured that she got plastic surgery by saying: "I love what the lip fillers did to your lips." Chanel corrected this person by saying: "I have no lip fillers," with a laughing emoji, per In Touch.

If there's one thing Chanel can't stand, it's incorrect assumptions about her childhood. Because her mom lived in California and her dad lived in New York, people assume she was wealthy, especially one hater who said: "Dudley from Hollywood Imfso [sic] only thing you struggled doing was understanding what your Spanish housekeeper was saying." The troll used her birth name: Chelsea Chanel Dudley, per In Touch.

Chanel shut this down: "I grew up with a single mom and worked since I was 15 years old. I never had no housekeeper growing up [lmfao] stfu and sit down." She added a shrugging emoji and continued: "What makes people like you think they know other people's life stories??? It's hilarious! What else [has] your psychic abilities led you to think you know??? LMAO."
