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The Biden administration admitted Friday that Border Patrol agents were falsely accused of “whipping” Haitian migrants in Texas last year — but still referred four agents for discipline in connection with the viral clash. 

In a 511-page report, US Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Personal Responsibility said it had found “no evidence that [Border Patrol agents] involved in this incident struck, intentionally or otherwise, any migrant with their reins.” 

It was a far cry from the aftermath of the Sept. 19 encounter, after which President Biden publicly repeated bogus claims by liberal activists that agents had deployed their reins to whip the helpless, fleeing migrants. 

“To see people treated like they did … people being strapped –- it’s outrageous,” the president said at the time before vowing: “I promise you, those people will pay.” 

CBP agents in South Texas were accused of using their horse reins to “whip” Haitians trying to illegally enter the US in Sept. 2021. AFP via Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris piled on, saying the agents’ actions reminded her of “times of slavery.” 

On Friday, however, CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus emphasized that “whips are not part of Border Patrol training or equipment.” 

“Likewise, OPR investigators determined that the agents involved in the Del Rio activity were not carrying whips,” he said. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has proposed charging the agents with “poor judgement” and “unsafe conduct.” AFP via Getty Images

Still, rather than apologize for the false accusation, Biden pressed CBP officials to find something on the horseback agents. 

Border Patrol union chief Brandon Judd accused the White House of a “political hit job” on the agents, who face punishment ranging from a letter of reprimand to termination. 

“Unfortunately, the President made this the spectacle it’s become,” Judd told The Post in a text message prior to the report’s release. “If he would have just kept his mouth shut and let the process play out like it should have instead of passing judgment before the facts were in, we wouldn’t be discussing this right now.” 

CBP did not identify those singled out for discipline, which officials said would come separately from the report’s release. Judd said the union would fight any sanction that was handed down “until all avenues are exhausted.” 

“We are interested in a complete exoneration and not necessarily a political spectacle,” he said. 

The report was released more than nine months after Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas promised an investigation in to the incident would take “days, not weeks.” 

The agents on horseback were using their animals to block the migrants’ entry. REUTERS

“I’m not happy about the length of time” the probe took, Magnus admitted to reporters Friday. 

While the investigation cleared the agents of the most sensational allegation, it found that they had used “unnecessary” force against the migrants. One agent was also found to have used “denigrating and inappropriate language and to have maneuvered his horse unsafely” during the incident. 

“It’s clear from the investigation that decisions made by some of the agency’s leadership, and the lack of appropriate policies and training all contributed to the incident,” Magnus said. “But there is no justification for the actions of some of our personnel, including unprofessional and deeply offensive conduct.” 

According to the investigation, the Border Patrol mounted unit were asked by the Texas Department of Public Safety to help prevent Haitian migrants who had left a massive encampment at Del Rio from returning with food. CBP said the request “directly contravened [Border Patrol] operational objectives.” 

President Biden and other top Democrats were quick to accuse the agents of wrongdoing. AFP via Getty Images

Agents joined Texas authorities with the permission of their supervisor who was unable to get guidance from higher up the Border Patrol chain of command, the report said. Communication occurred on a radio channel that wasn’t recorded, further complicating the investigation. 

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During the confrontation, the report said, one agent taunted a migrant, saying: “Hey! You use your women? This is why your country’s s–t, you use your women for this.” 

The report also found that agents “used force or the threat of force to drive migrants back … despite the fact they were well within the territorial boundary of the United States” and posed no threat. 

Up to 15,000 Haitian migrants had crossed from Mexico into the United States and were concentrated in the encampment under Del Rio’s international bridge by Sept. 19. The camp was cleared within days of the incident as the outcry mounted. 

Additional reporting by Snejana Farberov, Post wires 
